First off let us say we are Witches.......

We honor the Divine as both God and Goddess
We see nature as a sacred reflection of that Divine force
We celebrate the cycles of the season and the phases of the moon
We believe in striving to “harm none”
We believe in reincarnation
We believe in karma
We believe in energy based alternative healing practices such as Therapeutic Touch and Reiki
We do meditate .. and have been known to chant
and yes … We DO believe that magic works

We believe that by focusing our wills and emotions that we, as individuals can effect change on our own reality…. with the help of the Divine of course. *smiles*

We do not worship Satan - in fact “he” has no place at all in our theology.
We do not seek to convert anyone.
We are not confused or misguided.

We are grown women who chose this path years ago. We simply live our lives, as best as we can, while honoring the Divine as we personally see fit.

Are there some who use the word Witch with darker intent? Yes
Are there those who confuse Satanism and Witchcraft? Yes

But, please do not lump us all together.

We ask that you keep your own mind open to the reality that Witchcraft/Wicca is just one of many religious choices. And that many normal, ethical people are practicing it as a way of life.

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